One of the main advantages of static type checking is to catch errors before we deploy code to production. Dependent Types allow us to eliminate some checks that are usually done at run time. I take a simple example to show how dependent types can be used in that regard in day-to-day programming.
Give Me The Money!
Let us start with an example. We will define a simple type for representing money and a function to add money.
data Money = Money Rational
Now we can add them together as
add :: Money -> Money -> Money
add (Money m1) (Money m2) = Money (m1 + m2)
money1 = Money (50 % 100)
money2 = Money (25 % 100)
total = add money1 money2
Everything OK There?
There is something we have missed here. The currency. Money is represented in some currency (like US Dollar) and we cannot add money in different currencies. For example, you cannot add 2 US dollars and 2 British Pounds.
Lets include currency information in our Money
type. A simple approach is to
keep a string representing the currency (“GBP”, “USD”, etc.) along with the
data Money = Money String Rational
twoDollars :: Money
twoDollars = Money "USD" 2
Houston, We’ve Got a Problem
The constraint that only Money
values with same currency
can be added makes
our add
function partial.
add:: Money -> Money -> Money
add (Money c1 m1) (Money c2 m2) =
case c1 == c2 of
True -> Money c1 (m2 + m2)
-- False -> ?? -- the function is not defined for this value
Partial functions are bad. They pass type check and fail at runtime. The
application crashes when inputs for which the function is not defined are
passed. Our add
function above fails if it is ever called with two Money
values with different currency.
λ> :t add fiftyPence twoDollars
add fiftyPence twoDollars :: Money
λ> add fiftyPence twoDollars
*** Exception: /Users/vj/workspace/Haskell/Money.hs:(23,7)-(24,37): Non-exhaustive patterns in case
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
A simple way to overcome this problem is to extend the function to return a specific value (an error value) for all those inputs for which the function is not defined.
Wrapping the return type with Maybe
or Either e
are common approaches to
extending the function. A special value of Nothing::Maybe Money
(or Left "Incompatible Currency"::Either String Money
) can be returned for all the
inputs where add
is originally not defined.
A simple addition function now has to deal with error cases. If we decide to
indicate an error using Maybe Money
or Either Error Money
as return type,
the calling function also has to deal with such a value appropriately (may be by
returning an error to its caller!).
add :: Money -> Money -> Maybe Money
add (Money c1 m1) (Money c2 m2) =
case c1 == c2 of
True -> Just (Money c1 (m2 + m2))
False -> Nothing
Independence? Freedom? What?
Using dependent types we can avoid the runtime check by making it possible for
the compiler to do that check for us. Since the compiler prohibits calling our
function with incompatible money values, we are not only freed from
runtime check, we also don’t have to worry about error handling.
This is in contrast to extending the function. Here we restrict the domain of the function to contain only those values for which the function is defined.
Dependent Types are advanced concepts. But we don’t have to know all the theory and concepts behind it as many good people have made it so simple for us to use it. But I recommend you all to read and know more to use them in more interesting ways.
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, DataKinds #-}
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol)
import Data.Ratio ((%))
data Money (currency :: Symbol) = Money Rational
fiftyPence :: Money "GBP"
fiftyPence = Money (50 % 100)
twoDollars :: Money "USD"
twoDollars = Money 2
add :: Money c -> Money c -> Money c
add (Money m1) (Money m2) = Money (m1 + m2)
Notice how the implementation of add
function is same as the one before
introducing currency
parameter. It has no if/case expressions and no Maybe
return type. It is a compilation error to add Money
values with different
λ> :t add fiftyPence fiftyPence
add fiftyPence fiftyPence :: Money "GBP"
λ> :t add fiftyPence twoDollars
<interactive>:1:16: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘"USD"’ with ‘"GBP"’
Expected type: Money "GBP"
Actual type: Money "USD"
• In the second argument of ‘add’, namely ‘twoDollars’
In the expression: add fiftyPence twoDollars
We use language extensions in GHC for using dependent types. I will try to explain their usage in simple terms.
Be Kind To Others
Notice the type of fiftyPence
fiftyPence :: Money "GBP"
is a type constructor, as we know, type constructors only accepts
other types as parameters (Maybe Int
, [Int]
etc.). But, "GBP"
looks like a
String value! How is this possible?
Firstly, "GBP"
in fiftyPence :: Money "GBP"
is not a value but a type with
kind Symbol
. You can see that in the data definition of Money. currency
type parameter is of kind Symbol
data Money (currency :: Symbol) = Money Rational
is a convenient Kind provided by GHC in the GHC.TypeLits
module which
is the kind for type-level strings. It lets us use string literals like “GBP” as
a type.
You know that we can manually specify a variable’s type. Similarly, we can also manually specify a type variable’s kind using the KindSignatures extension.
Congratulations! You have Been Promoted
OK, So, KindSignatures
extension lets me specify that currency
has kind
, but how does "GBP"
and "USD"
become types of of kind Symbol
fiftyPence :: Money "GBP"
fiftyPence = Money (50 % 100)
twoDollars :: Money "USD"
twoDollars = Money 2
This is all thanks to another GHC extension we have used - DataKinds. When this extension is enabled, the type constructors are promoted to Kinds and value constructors are promoted to type constructors.
In our case, the kind Symbol
is already provided by GHC. All we need is for
GHC to promote and recognize "GBP"
as type.
λ> :k Money "GBP"
<interactive>:1:7: error:
Illegal type: ‘"GBP"’ Perhaps you intended to use DataKinds
λ> :set -XDataKinds
λ> :k Money "GBP"
Money "GBP" :: *
λ> :k Money Int
<interactive>:1:7: error:
• Expected kind ‘Symbol’, but ‘Int’ has kind ‘*’
• In the first argument of ‘Money’, namely ‘Int’
In the type ‘Money Int’
The promoted types,
in the above example, have no inhabitants.
Also, promoted types are prefixed with a quote (
) but they can almost always be ignored as the context of their usage makes it clear which one we meant - the type “GBP” or the string value “GBP”.
The Beginning
There is much more to depended types than what we have seen here. This is to show readers that dependent types can be useful in day-to-day programming as well.