Struggles Of A Newcomer To FP

One of the challenges that I faced earlier on with FP is coming up with non-imperative solutions (I still do sometimes). I am sure many have faced similar hardships. We, those who have trained ourselves to think imperatively, jump to imperative solution first, then remember/realise we are lacking the corresponding tools (loops, mutability, etc) in our new favourite language (Haskell for example). Quite often this results in ugly recursive solution that we think is functional.

Today we repeat that once again. We write a recursive algorithm and then modify it to work with fold (and make it worse!). And then realise we missed something basic and come up with a neat solution or two.

Run Length Encoding

We choose Run-Length Encoding (RLE) – a lossless data compression technique to implement. RLE has been used in encoding analog TV signals, bitmap images, and in possibly many more places. Simply put, RLE compresses a stream of data items by encoding it as data item followed by count of consecutive repetitions of that data. For example, AABBBAAAAC is encoded as A2B3A4C.

Here are some more examples:

Original Encoded
aaaAAAaBBb a3A3aB2b
Vijay Vijay
RunLengthEncoding RunLengthEncoding

Approach 1 - Basic Recursion

A quick look at the example gives us our first approach. We pass through the sequence of data while keeping a running count of repetitions and when the repetition breaks we replace the repetition with the encoding, reset the count, and continue with the sequence. Seems straight forward, right?

The idea is simple, we start from the left, process each element (of the list) one at a time, and accumulate the result (encoded list) in each step.

Here is a Haskell version.

rle1 :: String -> String
rle1 [] = ""
rle1 (x:xs) = myenc1 "" x 1 xs

myenc1 :: String -> Char -> Int -> String -> String
myenc1 enc x n [] = enc ++ (x:(check n))
myenc1 enc x n  (y:ys) = case y == x of
      True ->  myenc1 enc x (n+1) ys
      False -> myenc1 (enc ++ (x:(check n))) y 1 ys

check :: Int -> String
check n | n > 1 = show n
        | otherwise = ""

Yes, we are going to have problem understanding what we did here in few months. We basically have a function myenc1 called recursively with the current state of the program passed as arguments.

After marvelling (crying?) at the code for a while it hits us. We have turned a list into another (possibly shorter) list. Isn’t this similar to folding (reducing) a list? Can we simplify this code by using fold? Using higher order functions like fold is supposed to make our code simple and ‘more functional,’ right?

Let us give folds a shot.

Approach 2 - Folds

Folding is very much what we are doing. We start from the left, process each element one at a time, and accumulate the result. Even though conceptually we can use foldl' here, we have to make some changes.

Firstly, the recursion is handled by fold itself. So, manual recursion calls are no longer needed. Secondly, the fold function expects a binary function as argument.

foldl' :: Foldable t => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b

Here is what we get –

rle2 :: String -> String
rle2 [] = ""
rle2 (x:xs) = let (e, c, n) = foldl' myenc2 ("", x, 1) xs
    in e ++ (c: check n)

myenc2 :: (String, Char, Int) -> Char -> (String, Char, Int)
myenc2 (enc, current, count) x =
    case x == current of
      True -> (enc, current, count+1)
      False-> (enc ++ (current:check count), x, 1)

Yuck, this isn’t any better at all!!

What is wrong?

At this point we are frustrated enough. This is the point at which we ask ourself what went wrong? And this is when we have to take a step back and rethink. Is there a better way? Can we rethink the solution?

A Better Approach?

Instead of looking at each letter, we can look at a pattern or sub-sequence as a whole. That is, AAADDCCCCBB can be seen a sequence of A’s,D’s,C’s, and B’s in that order. If we can split the whole thing into a such a grouping, we can treat each group separately.

rle3 :: String -> String
rle3 [] = []
rle3 (x:xs) = x: showLen first ++ rle3 rest
  where (first, rest) = span (== x) xs
        showLen [] = []
        showLen s = show (1+length s)

This is much better compared to the initial solution. We no longer maintain state between function calls. Let us take it to next level.


What changed in our 3rd approach? Why is it better than the first two? One thing for sure is we no longer have messy state management. What else? A major enhancement is that we no longer deal with individual letters. We look at a bunch of letter as a whole.

The beauty of programming is to solve smaller generic problems and combining them to solve much larger problem.

We are onto something here! Let us look at the problem from this perspective. Can we identify a smaller, generic problem that we can solve?

Yes, here is a smaller problem - given a bunch of repeating letters, like “AAAAAAAA”, can we encode it as “A8”? The next problem, then, is given a random string of letters, can I split it into multiple smaller strings of repeating letters? The only part left now is how to string together these two smaller solutions to get RLE.

In summary all we need to do is

  1. Split a string like “AAABCCDD” into “AAA”, “B”, “CC”, and “DD”
  2. Encode the smaller strings as “A3”, “B”, “C2”, and “D2”
  3. Combine the result to get “A3BC2D2”

Here is how it will look -

encode :: String -> String
encode [] = []
encode [x] = [x]
encode s = head s : (show . length) s

rle :: String -> String
rle = concat . map encode . group

The group function from Data.List does the first part, encode does the second part, concat combines the result. We then compose them together.

So, What Does It Mean?

If we take a look at how our code/solution evolved, we notice a few things - 1) our code improved drastically once we removed state management, 2) in the final solution, most of the work is done by standard library functions 3) our code evolved from describing how to solve the problem to declaring how the problem is to be solved

Aren’t these the first few things we hear about FP? Pure functions, a few but well known abstractions, and most importantly declarative style of programming where we write code that describes what will be done, not how it will be done. As a beginner, sticking to these three guidelines/principles will help a lot. Of course, there is much more to FP, but no need to hurry, it will come to you naturally as you write more functional code.

There is another lesson here for us - using a language that promotes functional style of programming (like Haskell, Scala, Clojure, etc.) does not automatically guarantee simple and maintainable code. If not careful, even FP cannot save us from ugly and unmaintainable code.

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